The Bachelor's Degree Programme in Biotechnology at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW) is a multidisciplinary course of study that combines knowledge of life sciences and engineering. The aim of the programme is to equip students with practical and theoretical knowledge in the use of living organisms in product development, testing, and manufacturing. Students will be provided with a solid foundation for future careers in the food and pharmaceutical industry, diagnostics, plant breeding companies, research institutions, and many others.
Throughout the programme, students will learn about a range of topics, including botany, animal anatomy, organic chemistry, cell biology, and ecology. The course also covers cutting-edge topics such as bioinformatics, genomics, nanobiotechnology, and genetic engineering. In addition, students can choose to focus on specific areas such as plants, animals, or microorganisms. The programme's core curriculum includes mandatory subjects that cover general genetics, biochemistry, molecular biology, and industrial biotechnology.
The programme's first year focuses on building a strong foundation in biology, chemistry, and physics. The second year covers a range of topics such as general genetics, biochemistry, and molecular biology. The third year includes topics such as genetic engineering, biotechnological methods in environmental protection, and industrial biotechnology. In the final year, students undertake a chemical safety seminar and a graduation workshop. Students are also required to complete an internship or professional practice, where they can apply their knowledge to real-world situations.
Graduates of the Biotechnology programme will have the skills necessary to plan and run biotechnological experiments and processes. They will be able to generate, interpret, and report high-quality biological data, as well as evaluate the use of particular methods and devices. The alumni of FSTN can find employment in a range of industries such as pharmaceuticals, crop improvement, clinical research, food production, diagnostics, and R&D institutions. The programme's graduates will be well equipped to contribute to research and development projects in their respective industries.
The Bachelor's Degree Programme in Biotechnology is a seven-semester course of study that requires the completion of 210 ECTS. The programme is open to international students, and applicants must have a good command of English, confirmed by a B2 level certificate or a document confirming completion of secondary education taught in English. Students who successfully complete the programme will be awarded a Bachelor of Engineering degree.